Tag Archives: drinking

And yet, I miss the KK.

And yet, I miss the KK.

This is an old poem I wrote…about the banality of going to the same bar.  I read it tonight and got all nostalgic.

I wanna go now.

I miss Kober.

I miss beer pong.

I miss Chuck.

I miss Dennis.

I even miss that hoochie that suckered TeaBag into buying her bazillion dollar shoes.

Fuck your couch.

I wanna sing!

Do we HAVE to go to the Klover Klub, really?

Smoke filtered colored light

Tequila egos

Trashed girl crying

Cue ball clack

Spotty conversation

Sticky table

Rancid toilet

Inappropriate song choice

For a good time call….

Herds of girls

Pairs of boys

Angry drinkers

Painted women; laugh

Stained ceiling tiles

Uneven stools

Broken bottles

Incense sales

Sound layers

Tobacco and Clinique’ Happy

Tippy chairs

Tipsy idiots

Drunken debauchery.

I missed Tuesday-boozeday, but here’s to HUMP DAY!

I missed Tuesday-boozeday, but here’s to HUMP DAY!

I have this thing about me, when it comes to alcohol I am pretty simple. I do not like girly frou frou drinks or anything sweet. Typically, I am good with shots. Preferably, whiskey. Tequila, if I am feeling froggy and wanna make an arrogant man feel emasculated by my tequila drinking skills versus his….But that is my own personality flaw…And another reason I am pretty sure this is my first life as a female….I admit it, I often have penis envy…or atleast I am envious of the doors that penises? peni? can open…

I digress.

Point being….When it comes to mixed drinks, rum and coke is as fruity as I get. And don’t put a freaking lime on it, I didn’t order a cuba libre. GAWD

Another thing about my drinking habits, should I say I have a drinking habit? Hmm…My drinking preferences?

Beer makes me sleepy. But if I have to drink it, I better not be able to see through it.

Wine must be red.

And I typically find something I drink for a while and nothing else, until I switch.

Lately, because I was trying to get a drink that wouldn’t make me feel tooo terrible about the empty calories the Cellar Bar at the Ringler’s Annex, one of McMenamin’s magical places, introduced me to this drink. BUT i Janified it 🙂

It breaks all my rules.

It’s sweet.

It’s fruity.

It has a freaking cherry.

It has soda in it.

It has ice.

It comes in a glass that is bigger than this:

Regardless, here is my recipe:

Buvez et obtenez un bon bu!

Janified Amaretto Sour:

First get an array of delicious citrus:

I like to use 2 oranges, 2 tangerines, 4 lemons and 2 limes.

Either use a simple juicer or get all hard core like me and peel your citrus:

Then throw them in your magical centrifugal juicer:

Then you end up with this kind of deliciousness that will separate, make sure you give a good stir before you pour:

Then you wanna give a spoonful of maraschino cherry juice over your ice:

Then fill your glass 1/3 full with Amaretto of your choosing:

Then 1/3 more with your fresh delicious nutritious guilt free citrus juice:

Then top off slowly with some 7up or whatever lemon-lime soda ya got. (this mixture produces a fantastic foam like a root beer float….”It is so good” like Martha Stewart freaking good.)

Top off with a few cherries.

*The more you drink the more cherries you will want. They become a sport to spear in the bottom of your glass 😉

Stir slowly before drinking.



St. Patty’s AND Farmer’s Market kickoff? YES! Sláinte!

St. Patty’s AND Farmer’s Market kickoff? YES! Sláinte!

After a rocky start this morning which included me not even remembering it was St. Patrick’s Day, I logged into Facebook (duh) and saw that the Vancouver Farmer’s Market was opening back up this morning! YAY

You know why “Yay?”

Because this:

Is all I have left of last year’s goat milk soap stores! Gasp!

So I went with the intent of ONLY buying goat milk soap, allergy honey and herb starts if they had them yet.

This was my favorite flower arrangement I saw and *GASP*

Not a lily in it! Digging the hell out of the blue-painted bristlecombs.

Fiddleheads! Shrooms! Welll, fiddle dee dee!

This guy is amazing. He caught me taking his pic and I only had larger bills so I couldn’t tip him so he insisted on taking MY pic as payment. i hope I am not on some website as the b***h that didn’t tip. I sent the male child back with a dollar when we left, just in case.

Big version of Bosley dog:

Her name was Gracie and she was an old lady!

people getting in my way of a good shot! Damn the luck.


The male child’s only request and his treasured prizes…

As herbs aren’t available there yet, I walked away with my soap and honey as scores…I didn’t buy ANYTHING else. I am so proud of my restraint.

Now I have money for drinking! HAZAH!!!

Happy St. Patty’s Day! Enjoy your American bastardized holiday! I will!