Tag Archives: goat milk soap

“IT’S NOT A TUMOR!” ~ Det. John Kimble

“IT’S NOT A TUMOR!” ~ Det. John Kimble

This morning I had to take the boy and girl child to apply to get their passports. According to the website for the post office, they do passport applications from 8 am to 2pm Monday through Friday.

Au Contraire, mes ami.

Apparently because of cutbacks, they have reduced the hours so we had to leave and comeback, ergo the kiddos missed even more school than I intended. WTF ever.

I digress.

The actual point of this post is that when I got out of the car at the post office the first time, the sun actually peeked out from a cloud and forced me to put my sunglasses to work as a sunglasses, rather than as a hair control tool.  Suddenly, from nowhere I smelled nag champa. LIKE BAM. The kids said “No, I don’t smell anything.” So I am smelling my clothes, the car, the air, whatever, like a crazy person while my children are laughing at me. I can’t find the source of this scent that is bordering on causing a headache. We go in the post office and it magically dissipates.

We come out a few minutes later, disgruntled at their ineptitude for changing websites (totally their fault I am sure) and I smell it again! The kids, nothing. My son offers that we are in the “hipster neighborhood” maybe there is just someone burning nag champa and only my well honed nose can smell it. Possible. So we go get the kid some crepes, while we wait.

An HOUR passes and we go back to the post office. Do what we need to do. Come out, and I smell it again. The kids laugh and at this point I am starting to believe it has something to do with the post office or phantom smells or paranormal hippie ghosts, perhaps I have had a stroke or I have a brain tumor, cause this is giving me a headache.

I turn down Washington, away from the sun and take my sunglasses off. Miraculously, the smell is gone. A light bulb went on. I put the sunglasses on, the smell is there. It was my sunglasses! I had them in the bathroom basket with my soaps overnight. They now STINK of nag champa.

HAHAHHAHAH. Well played, goat milk soap. Well played.

BUT HEY! All this means is the sun is shining! WEIRD!

I’ll take a nag champa induced headache over clouds any day.



St. Patty’s AND Farmer’s Market kickoff? YES! Sláinte!

St. Patty’s AND Farmer’s Market kickoff? YES! Sláinte!

After a rocky start this morning which included me not even remembering it was St. Patrick’s Day, I logged into Facebook (duh) and saw that the Vancouver Farmer’s Market was opening back up this morning! YAY

You know why “Yay?”

Because this:

Is all I have left of last year’s goat milk soap stores! Gasp!

So I went with the intent of ONLY buying goat milk soap, allergy honey and herb starts if they had them yet.

This was my favorite flower arrangement I saw and *GASP*

Not a lily in it! Digging the hell out of the blue-painted bristlecombs.

Fiddleheads! Shrooms! Welll, fiddle dee dee!

This guy is amazing. He caught me taking his pic and I only had larger bills so I couldn’t tip him so he insisted on taking MY pic as payment. i hope I am not on some website as the b***h that didn’t tip. I sent the male child back with a dollar when we left, just in case.

Big version of Bosley dog:

Her name was Gracie and she was an old lady!

people getting in my way of a good shot! Damn the luck.


The male child’s only request and his treasured prizes…

As herbs aren’t available there yet, I walked away with my soap and honey as scores…I didn’t buy ANYTHING else. I am so proud of my restraint.

Now I have money for drinking! HAZAH!!!

Happy St. Patty’s Day! Enjoy your American bastardized holiday! I will!