
I love this and the links! Michael is one of my favorite people these days….

Social Justice For All

Thank you to my friend Allison for sharing this wonderful NPR gem. While I may not have had the language for it at age five, I knew I was gay.  I knew I was different and even knew I would never marry a woman.  Now of course, it was 28 years before I allowed myself to look at the truth about my sexual orientation.  When I talk to many other LGBT folks, they have a similar story: they knew around age five they were different. NPR recently did a story about a blog called, Born This Way! It really is a lovely blog with great photos and history.  Looking at the blog is affirming and feels like you are going through LGBT archives. In the blogger’s own words:

So, some of the pix here feature gay boys with feminine traits, and some gay girls with masculine traits. And even more…

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About Jani

Jani grew up a bohemian anachronism, spending her early life taming her wanderlust. She clawed her way into the real world, eventually obtaining two highly unpractical degrees, two children, six figure student loans, and a sarcastic wit matched by few. She now lives in the Walterverse where she received her MSW at a ridiculously expensive university. She followed this achievement by spending thousands more on even more useless letters to place after her name. Her future plans are to pay for the useless extra letters after her name as a super heroine. In the event that plan doesn't "work" out, she plans to return to her roots as a vagabond, busking in one way or another. HuZzah.

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